
Search for your references efficiently

No more waste of time and loss of information

Use of filters

By client, year, budget … easily find the references that match your search criteria in a few clicks.

The results are instantly updated with all the criteria.

Semantic research

Thanks to semantic research you can find precisely all the interesting references.

Keywords allow you to have optimized results and highlight all the references of your company.

Integrate your references, we measure your time savings

Enrich to find

The quality of the search results depends on the level of information in your references.

They are generally initiated and written by the sales and/or marketing teams that do not always have the details of what is done during the missions.

With Showy you can invite your whole company to collaborate and enrich your references with qualitative information.

100% online

Accessible everywhere, any time. No updates and no maintenance. Stay focus on your job. Easily onboard new collaborators

Encrypted and secure data

Your commercial references are sensitive data. We take care of it, our whole infrastructure is hosted in France 🇫🇷

Slide generation engine

Several months of R&D to create our "Instant Document by Showy" engine which offers a level of autonomy and high functionalities